5.1 Attitude towards your job
5.2 Personal hygiene
5.3 Uniforms
5.4 Care for your own health & safety
5.5 Safety practice & procedures

5.1 Attitude towards your job:-

Any number of catering staff coming in to contact with food preparation should know his or her dutier, No matter How good the quality of food, Bevarage décor & equipment, poorely trained , or un department which will affect on guest sevice. Below are listed the principle attributes necessary in food production .

1. A professional and Hygienic Appearance.

2. Knowledge of food.

3. Punctuality.

4. knowledge of local cuisine.

5. Personality.

6. Attitude to customer.

7. Memory.

8. Honesty.

9. Loyalty.

10. Conduet.

11. Customer Satisfaction.

12. Complaints.

13. Team work.


Self-respect is necessary in every food handler, because a pride on own appearance promotes a high standard of cleanliness and physical fitness

1. BATHING: Regular bathing is essential; otherwise germs can be transferred on to the cloths and so on to foods

2. HANDS: Hands must be thoroughly washed frequency, particularly after using the toilet, before commencing work and during the handling of foods. Rings watches and jewelers should not be worn where food is handled jewelers should not be worn, since it may fall off into food.

3. FINGER NAILS: Nails should always be kept clean and short as dirt can easily lodge under the nail and be dislodged when, for example,-making pastry so introducing bacteria into food. Nails should be cleaned with a nailsbrush and nail varnish should not be worn.

4. HAIR: Hair should be washed regularly and keep covered when food is being handled. Men’s hair should be kept short, as is easier to keep clean. Women’s hair should be covered as much as possible. The hair should never be scratched, combed or touched in the kitchen.

5. NOSE: When handling foods, the nose should not be touched. When using a handkerchief, the hand should be washed afterward. Because the nose contains a large number of harmful bacteria, it is critical that no food, people, or working surfaces be sneezed over in order to spread germs.

6. MOUTH: Because there are many bacteria in the mouth, coughing over foods and working locations should be avoided.

7. EARS: The ear-hold should not be handled in the kitchen since germs can be introduced once again.

8. FEET: They should be washed on a regular basis, and the toe nails should be maintained short and clean.

9. CUT, BURNS, SORES ETC.: It is particularly important to keep all cuts burns, scratches and similar openings of the skin covered with a waterproof dressing.

10. CLOTHING AND CLOTH: Clean whites and clean underclothes should be worm at all times. Dirty cloths germs to multiply and if dirty clothing comes into contact with food may be contaminated.

11. COSMETICS: Should be used in moderation. They should not be put on in the kitchen and the hands should be washed well afterwards.

12. SMOKING: Must never take place where there is food, because, when a cigarette is taken from the mouth, germs from the mouth can be transferred to the fingers can so on to food. Ash on food is most objectionable and it should be remembered that smoking where there is food is an offence against the law.

13. SPITTING: Spitting should never occur, because germs can be spread by this objectionable habit.


Uniforms is the standard & identification of the individual , which are made for comfort of the staff. In kitchen uniform should be clean & which fits properly. Lose sliceres 7& apron strings may catch on equipment or a touch or source of heat, wear shooes with toe & hill form protection from spilles or Hot food & liquid . plastic shoes of shoaer material which catcher fire easily should be avoided. Oven paes should be provided for lifting hot food out of the oven or from the top of hot ranges. Chef coat should have the number of poketr to keep small kniver, pen , diary , notpad, dusterd etc.

Kitchen uniforms includer chef pant, chef coat, scarf , glover, shoes , preferably without less, utility uniform.

The this most important that people working in kitchen should were suitable clothing food ware .suitable uniform must be-

• Protective

• Washable.

• Suitable color.

• Light in weight.

• Comfortable.

• Strong.

• Absorbent.

5.4 Care for your own health and safety:-

The factory act also lays down condition to sare- gurd the health & safely at work. In order to comform the act , employees are liable to provide & envirment which does not in any way. Affect adversely , the health of any person, or injure or disable him or her in any way.

To ensure healthy envirnment :- There fore , it is necessary to gauranty –

(a) the cleanliness of the establishment & staff .

(b) proper disposable of waste material.

(c) Proper ventilation to prevent dust & fumes from collacting in the work environment to control Humidity through provision of exhaust fans.

(d) Lighting should be such that it does not affect visibility & eye siqht of people at work.

(e) Over crowding should be avoided by proper planning of areas.

(f) Clean drinking water should be provided.

(g) Proper washing and toilet facilities are essential.

Procedure suggest for a safety of employee at work indudes:-

Safety employees the consumed for providing conditions at work which will protect people from infection injury and theft. It is also include the protection of premises, equipment and other resources from infection, damage, and destruction.

(a) Periodic maintainance of electric appliances.

(b) Fire fighting equipment, and its regular maintenance.

(c) Establishing supply of safe water.

(d) Ediguate supply of safe water.

(e) Immediate and safe disposal of wastage.

(f) A hive laval of building and equipment maintainance.

(g) Comfortable working temperature.

(h) Etiquette sanitary facilities for staff and customers traning the use of equipment to eliminate risk of injury sanitation facilities.

(i) Eradication of rodent insects and pests of all kinds.

The enforcement of minimum standard of safety and sanitation in food services is usually the responsibility of the local health and sanitation authority of each state of area.

5.5 Safety practices and procedure:-

Safety employees the consumed for providing conditions at work which will protect people from infection and theft. It is also include the protection of premises, equipment and other resources from infection, damage and destruction.

a) Periodic maintenance of electric appliances

b) Fire fighting equipment and its regular maintenance

c) Establishing supply of safe water

d) Adequate supply of safe water

e) Immediate and safe disposal of wastage

f) A high level of building and equipment maintenance

g) Comfortable working temperature

h) Adequate sanitary facilities for staff and customers training the use of equipment to eliminate risks of injury sanitation facilities

i) Eradication of rodent insects and pests of all kinds

The enforcement of minimum standards of safety and sanitation in food service is usually the responsibility of the local health and sanitation authority of each state

5.5.1 Accidents, types, nature, classification:-

All structural designiig should aim at smooth work at flow in every area of catering establishment accidents generators occurs when this can not be maintain for some reasons or when due to negligence safety factor are over looked in the design of establishment.

Causes of accidents:-

(1) Structural in adigvacy and inadiqvacy.

(2) Improper equipment placement and installment.

(3) Improper working habits.

(4) Nature of vehaviour of people.

(5) Improper maintenance and storage.

Structural in adequacy:-

Given below are some of the factors which can happen’s due to inadequate structure in organization.

(a) An even floor leveling causes people to fall floor should be constructed plain.

(b) To smooth and shiny floor can cause slip.

(c) Too less space in kitchen leads to over crowding, no 1st and confusing, reading to physical and maintal stress, kitchen adeguet space with necessary to avoids this kinds of accidents.

(d) Improper fixed door can cause accident mostly in Restayrant and Kitchen area.

(e) Cracked, chipped, or broken area window panels in word area. Prove a safety Hazzards.

(f) Positioning of switches ,electrical orgees are some time placed to high to low in wall soket’s for comfort.

(g) In adeguat lighting may produce glare in certain areas and shadow in other affecting area’s can cause accident.

Lighting should not be coloured, the white light light can help them to judge they colour of dish.

(h) Improper ventilation, leady to exhaurstron, fatique, makes people vulnerable to accidentor.

In all premiser, therefore it is important to plant structure with satety in mind first aid facilities made available in all catering establishment fire existing wisher are a must and fire exist need to be clearly mark for a used in care.

5.5.2 Preventive measures for each type of accidents.

Prevention of burns and fires

1. Employees working in to the hitchen must aid are remergency for reporting fire.

2. should know the loation of fire extinigusher and how to use them and fire exist.

3. Hoods to be kept over theranges and cooking equipment shoulu be clean and free from accumulated greese.

4. over doors should be kept closed except when loading and as loading overs.

5. Keep ranges,friyers, griddles and boilers clean and free from accumulates grease .

6. use only dry pads to move hot pains or cooking utensils.

7. use long handerd hooks to open covers of steam fettler.

8. Get assistance when moving hearey containers and hot food.

9. Avoid spattering liquids in to hot fat.

10. Keep fire extigusher close to kitchen where chances of fire are more , move exist, fire doors and fire escaptr, free from obstacles and used only as direated.

11. do not handle electric equipment with wet hands while standing in water.

Prevention of cuts

(1) select appropriate knife for cutting and chopping, never use knife to open leaids cans or other containers.

(2) Keep bleads of knife and slicer short, never try to catch a falling knife.

(3) Be attentive to the job when using use.

(4) Dispose of chopped and broken china and glass ware, place them in container that has no other use.

(5) Use the proper tool’s to open crater and boxes, can’s and bottles, remove nails, stapeles , wires and put them in disposable containers.

(6) Drain the water from the sinks before removing broken glass or chinaware.

(7) Keep hands away from the edge of cutting bled while cleaning slicer , always keep the switch off, position and bled close when the slicer is not use.

Prevention of fall:-

(1) Stand on safe ladder, not on chairs, stools, or boxes to clean machinery ect.

(2) Keep floor and stairs free of grease, spills and wet spots.

(3) Keep floors, stair ways , or traffic lances, free of boxes, cleaning equipment and other obstacle.

(4) Stock cards and trucks know higher then eye level.

Prevention of poisoning:-

(1) A poison is solid, liquid or gas substance that causes injury and illness on contact with body surfales or when swallwed or in held. Medical aid should be given to the victim as quickly as possible. In mean type, first aid should be administeld to dilute the poison to included vomiting and to maintain respiration.

5.5.3 Accident reporting:-

Any accident occurring on the premises where the employee works must be reported to the employees or management and arecord of accident must be enter in the accident board.

Any accident causing death or major injurd to an employee or a member of public must be repoted by the employees to environment healt department accident involving dangerous equipment must be reported even if one is injured.

In house record of accident or dangerous accurance.


(1) First aid is defined as immediate faire give to the victim of an injury or sudden illness, the person who administerd first aid known as skill staff in first aid teqnic. Can mean the different between live and death between temporary, permanent disability and between rapid recovering and hospitality. Every one feel’s obliqed to help those who her emergency, particularly who are helpness.

First aid box must be easily indentifiable in the work area, there should be incharge of the responsible person. Whonchecken the aid box regularly and refilles when necessary all the establishment must have first aid box and all catering working are recommended to attend first aid course.


First aid is an very important aspect of life. Basically it is an enitial assistain or treatment given.

1. The first aid helps in giving atleast basic treatment to the injured person.

2. First aid also helps in controlling injuries to become a major one.

3. First aid helps to keep the cut, burns covered in a hygienic manner.

4. It helps to give at least basic treatment before the arrival of doctors.


The rules of first aid are as follows:

1. Act calmly and logically.

2. Be in control – both of himself / herself and the problem.

3. Be gentle but firm, and speak to the casualty kindly but purposefully.

4. Build up trust throughout the examination and treatment.

5. Explain to the casualty what he / she is going to do.

6. Answer honestly and say so if he / she does not know the answer (that is, avoided giving misleading information)

7. Never leave the casualty alone and continue to take to him / her until the ambulance or doctor arrives.

8. Continuously reassure the casualty.

9. Send the casualty to a hospital or doctor by the quickest means of transport.

10. Always inform the police about serious accidents.

11. Inform the relatives of the casualty.

5.5.5 Fire prevention:-

Safety procedure from any food production establishment main clearly spelt out or follows.

(1) The control for all kinds of fuels supply must be located easy reach.

(2) Fuel storage are need to be garded and isolated from possible source of short circuits.

(3) Regular training and retruling staff must be planned to include safety in their work method.

(4) Install fire extinguishers and alarms at convenient point in to establishment in case of an emergency.

(5) Provide safe tols and equipment , safety clothing and footware in word area .

(6) Institutes awards for department of every accident free month.

(7) Provide first aid facility in every working area.

Accident from improper working habit:-

Proper work habit developes when sence of identity is establish with the work place , their by placing caution for in the mind of people , who would like to project, look after and preserve their resources as much as possible some common working habit can be inentified in catering in catering situations as safety hazzard’s are as below.

(a) the habit of keeping electric switches on while cleaning equipment can lead to shocks.

(b) For placing kniver and any other sharp kitchen tool’s along with other equipment in sink for washing, can cause cut, because the are not visible to the person doing washing.

(c) Not wipping spillage immediately os speeially when liquids and hot oils are involved result’s in dangerous slip and falls.

(d) leading the handles of hot pan’s extending order the edge of of the

cooking range, can cause spillage of hot liquide.

(e) Pushing lose wines I to electric soket’s when plugs are missing or broken,

Especially in wet hand’s can evenbe fatel.

(f) Not working other people of hot electric or gas top’s or pan’s or pens

handling procedure.

(g) lifting leads off pans suddenly and exposing one self to burns through


The above are only a few example cited to indicate what a wrong habit can do if distrye the safety of the establishment.

Accident due to nature and behaviour of people at work:-

Certain people are mode prone then others, because their nature and behaviour makes them so the types of behaviours and attitudes which increase the protential for accident’s add work.

1. Cerelessness:- Some people are habitually careless and attitude get’s reflecter in the performance their work.

2. Excitability:- This tendency leads people to state of extreme exeitment at sliqhest provocation.

3. Fear:- those who are affread or hesistant to ask how a job his to be done, for fear are being for redicule, can adopt unsafe work methods due to Ignorance.

4. Anxiety:- This can result from some problems outside the work situation, releted to adjustment in a new job or to a changed equipment.

5. Illhealth:- This leads to loss of statmine and easier fatique, general weekness, poor eye side of hearing, lower concentration.

6. Lack of interest in work :- Makes people more asier to get distracted and in different to the denger and accident.

7. Haste:-The man in a hurry is a source of confusion and almost always creates condiion’s which are unsafe for him salf and other at work.

8. Lack of concentration:- Attention and envolvement in the work being done is important especially when working with cutters. Slicer’s or sharp knives and ehopers.

person holding gay basin
person holding gay basin