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white dishwasher
white dishwasher


Classification of equipment

According to its
fuel, or
power services

The term equipment refers to all machinery tools, utensils, crockery, cutlery, and furniture that may be used for preparation services and storage of food. The types of equipment required vary with the activities carried out by in a particular area of work. For e.g. in the storage area mobile and adjustable racks are used for selling goods, whereas in the service areas cabinets with drawers for cutlery and napkins are necessary, and so on.

There are a number of pieces of equipment that can be used in more than one area of activity, such as trolleys used for the transportation of goods from stores to the kitchen can also be used for transporting prepared food from the kitchen to the service area. Catering equipment ranges from simple boiling pans or pots. Steamers, ovens grills, and temperature-controlled fryers. The list can be endless depending on the cooking and eating habits of people in any region and the type of food service. Equipment may be classified in a number of ways according to weight, size, the order in which it is used in the production cycle of a catering establishment or according to their mode of operation.

Weight / Size

Catering equipment is often referred to a heavy–duty medium-duty or light-duty equipment. The heavy-duty category includes all equipment that is generally too heavy

To move around and therefore, need to be filled or installed after careful planning such equipment as the name suggests are made of heavy metal sheeting that can withstand hard use for long period of time. These are therefore generally fixed on a platform but may also be free-standing with a 10 cm. From the floor heavy duty also indicates that such equipments is capable of performing heavy work and therefore can be subjected to long hours of use. Heavy or large equipments such as ranges, ovens, mixing machines are generally manufactured in standard size with only slight variation.

Medium-duty equipment refers to pieces, which are not too difficult to move for occasional cleaning. They may be so constructed as to get dismantled or moved around as such for rearrangements or placed on wheels to make them mobile. Light-duty equipment can be more easily handled and moved around or placed anywhere when required for use . It is light to use and generally smaller in size than heavy or medium equipment.

Order of use

The steps involved in the production of meals are the basis of the classification as follows:-

  1. Receiving equipment:- These includes receiving platform weighing scale trolleys and so on.

  1. Storage equipment:- Like rack, shelves, bins, jars etc. Portable bins for flour, sugar ,rice , pulses are more convenient to use and keep clean.

  1. Kitchen equipment:- This includes all items necessary for the preparation, cooking, holding, and serving of food a wash up.

According to methods of use

Equipment also can be classified as per the use of fuel or the modes of uses as per manual or electric sources. Non-manual equipment should be used after training only as technical parts are mandatory to understand for the better performance.

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