In 70’s chefs wanted to bring about a change in the French cuisine. It was done by Gaulty. C. Milan, as they were fed up to eat the same classic food every day.

The evolution was started by emphasizing on serving original salads, vegetable terrines, fish just cooked on the bone, and the prices were high. It took about20 years for people to take modern cuisines dishes. It as earlier to get the re-oraganization as many restaurants were not offering the French classical dishes

The modern cookery was influenced by the monthly publication by Gault and Milan. They increased from 10,000 copies to 20 lakhs copies per month.

Change from the classic was bought by the following points:-

1. A variety of dishes were served on the menu but similar portion were served.

2. The presentation of the menu is given importance by serving it on a plate; so that the presentation was not spoilt by service personal, individual portion were placed on the plate and served.

3. The cooking time was reduced, by stir-frying, grilling etc.

4. Fresh food staffs has to used and emphasis was laid on seasonal vegetables, fishes etc. The items should be bought from the best suppliers.

5. Usual flavours, combinations were prepared. The dishes served by Paul because its own juices.

The dishes were influenced by Chinese cuisine by preparing dishes with plenty of good quality crisp vegetables, tender meat items and cooking by stir-frying and steaming. To give a different taste, some Indian spices were used such as ginger, coriander, jeera and saffron.

The latest equipment such as microwave oven, high pressure steamers, vacuum cooking and infra-red grillers are used. The modern cooking has a created interest but it has not got the same popularity as French classic cuisine .Abroad some of the Indian restaurants are offering modern/ nouvelle cuisine, less spicy and greased food.


Every one has needs and wants these to be meeting according to his or her own satisfaction. There are some factors which affects on eating habits as;

• Taste and habits in eating are influenced by monthly three factors; Upbringing. Peer group behavior and social back ground. For example children’s taste are expected of when to eat meals, teenagers frequently hamburger or fast food and adult may eat out once in a week at an ethnic or high-class restaurant.

• Degree of hunger will effect what is to be eaten when and how much to be eaten, when and how much to eat, although some people in the western world overheat, food shortages cause body undernourishment on poorer countries.

• Health considerations may influence choice of food, either because a special diet is required for medical reasons, or everyone needs a nutritionally balanced diet.

• Relationships:- Eating is a necessity, but it is also means of developing social relationships. The needs and preferences of the people you eat should be considered. This applies in the family or the place of the study work. School meal can be means of developing food habits, both by the provisions of suitable foods and dishes and by creating an appropriate environment to faster social relationship. Canteens used dinning halls and restaurants for people at work can be places where relationships develop. Often the purpose of eating, either in the home or outside it is to be sociable and to met people to meet each other. Frequently this is the reason for occasion ( such as birthday, anniversary, wedding , award ceremony , needing a special part or banquet menus or it may just be for a few friends to have a meal at a restaurant .

• Emotional needs:- sometime we do not eat because we need food but to meet an emotional requirement

For sadness or depression: - Eating a food can give comfort to oneself or to someone else, after a funeral people eat together to comfort one another.

For a reward or treat or to give encouragement to oneself or to someone else, on invitation to a meal is a good way of showing appreciation


It is recognized by the world as one of the finest cuisine. The continental are known for their artistic temperament and so is their cuisine.

Continental cuisine is less complicated while cooking; the garnished served are more complex. It has delicate flavor, as spices are used sparingly and they create a suspicion in one’s mind. If they are incorporated in the dish. Great emphasis is laid on sauces and it is even called sauce cooking.

Every ingredient speaks it own language. Wines used for cooking enhance the taste;

Give an usual flavor, this being a unique feature of continental cuisine. The most

Important rule is to use only the best ingredients and the proper blend of color and taste ingredients. Garnishes and accompaniments play a key role in continental cuisine dish e.g. beef meat is served with Yorkshire pudding and is accomplishment with horse-radish sauce.

Great emphasis is laid on the presentation of the dishes and garnished and accompanied make the dish colorful.

Ingredients play on important role as it has a climatic variations in the south of France. The Mediterranean heat adds richness to fruits, vegetables and herbs. In the northern region finest fish is available. In certain region mushrooms and hard cheese are popular. The wines for cooking come from Bordeaux, champagne and many other regions of the world.

Cooking material is used as butter, olive oil or salad oil, thus the dishes are greasy but give lightness to the taste.

Spices and herbs gives a suitable flavor, taste and originality to the dishes. Some of the spices and herbs are parsley, bay leaf, paprika, pepper, nutmeg etc.

Vegetable are served with main courses and served as on the accompaniments, they acts filler to meat dishes. They add color to the menu and make them colorful. Vegetables are arranged as a painter arranges color. A meal is completed with potatoes as they give a satiety value. They also accompany the main dish.

The main dish consists of flesh foods such as lamb, beef, veal, pork, chicken, duck, turkey fish etc. The fleshy foods should be of the best quality.

Cheese is extremely used and can be used as a base of a dish, garnish soup, blended with sauces or grated and sprinkled on top of the dishes and gratinated. Cheese in a French menu forms a separate menu during the meals and is called as from age in French.

Almost every region in continental cuisine has its own cheese and few popular cheese are camembert, gouda, Roquefort blue cheese etc.

Wine is much more used in continental cuisines to give flavor and color to dishes red wines and white wines are used for cooking desserts and confectionery preparations. Wines acts as tenderizers for drier and tougher cuts of meat.

Sauces have the quality of giving contrast or blend with the ingredients enhances taste, flavor and give color to the dishes.


Indian cuisine can be said o have evolved during along lines parallel to Indian history. India has ancient cultural heritage which is dependent on region, geography and socio-economics conditions. Traditionally Indian cooking has been handed down from the generations by demonstrations and world of mouth.

Cooking habits of India vary not within religious communities but from area to area. Heart of Indian cooking in Masala; the combination of spices and herbs which give each dish its individuality. It is a fresh mixture of spices and delicate or sharp and strong that may bring tears to the eyes. Masala may be in paste and powdered form; spices are ground with vinegar, water and curd to form paste. Masala are dried in the sun or tawa and pounded into powder and is sprinkled over a dish just before serving. The common spices are ginger, garlic, onions, haldi, dhaniya, jeera, meethi, rai, hing, fresh, herbs etc.

Acidic ingredients used are tamarind, curd, anardana, lemon juice, vinegar and anchor (dried mango powder).

Hindus never eat beef, because cow is sacred for them, pork, mutton, chicken and vegetable are widely used. Indian Muslims do not eat pork but beef. Game birds are delicacy; tetur and betair is special favorite dish. People stay in coastal areas eats fish because it is cheap, delicious and plentiful. Some of popular fishes eaten are; pomfret, rahu, Mumbai duck, malli, malli, carp, surmai, prawn, tuna etc.

Indian breads are prepared with different methods of cooking poories, kachories, luchies, bhaturas are deep fried, parathas are shallow fried and bhakar, nan, and roties are baked.

No Indian meal is complete is complete without dal and there are a variety of dal such as moond, channa, arhar, urad, massor, rajma, gram etc.

As vegetables and fruits are found in profusion, there is an accent on vegetarian cooking in India. Many of the vegetable that are available in the west are found in India. The cooking mediums used in many regions are pure-ghee, vanspati, mustard oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, pea nut oil etc.

Popular method of cooking are frying and boiling. Traditional method used is spit roasting. A tandoor is a small India oven made by mud.

Usually complete meal consist of dal , mutton or vegetable curry, bhaji, raita,pickle, chutney ,papad , rice , bread which is the base of meal. Sweet dishes look exotic, colorful and rich.


In order to avoid food poisoning personal hygiene is very important. The hands of the food handler must be very clean whenever food is handled. Use of hot water and soap is ample quantities ensures that the hands washed with these are clean. A person who is ill should be used to cover nose or mouth while sneezing r coughing .

Food should be served using clean serving spoons and not with hands. Kitchen equipments and appliances and utensils should be thoroughly cleaned before contact any food. As far as possible cooked food should not allowed to be stand for more than two or three hours at room temperature. Cooked food should be covered, rapidly cooled and then transferred to refrigerator. Slow cooling permits entry and growth of bacteria. To cool food rapidly for storage, a shallow pan, cold running water ice bath can be used, with the help of which food should be quickly cooled .to 7 C and stored in the fridge.


1. Cooking helps to make food more digestible. Complex foods are often split into simpler substances during cooking. This helps the body to absorb and utilize the food more readily than if consumed in its raw form.

2. Cooking increases palatability.

3. Cooking makes food more attractive in appearance and, therefore, more appetizing.

4. Cooking introduce variety. Many different types of dishes can be prepared using the same ingredient.

6. Cooking helps to provide a balance meal. Different ingredients combined together in one dish makes it easier to provide a balance meal.

5. Cooking partly sterilizes food. Above 40º c the growth of bacteria falls off rapidly and in general it cases above 45ºc. Non-sporing bacteria are killed at temperatures above 60ºc for varying periods of time, e.g., to make milk safe, it is pasteurized at 63ºc for 30 minutes or at 72ºc for 15 seconds. Boiling kills living cells, with the exception of spores, in a few seconds. Spore-bearing bacteria take about 4 to 5 hours of boiling to be destroyed. To destroy them in a shorter period of time higher temperatures must be used.

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Food Production Operations

Author : Parvinader Bali