
10.1 Types of Restaurants
10.2 Location or site
10.3 Sources of Finance
10.4 Design Consideration
10.5 Furniture
10.6 Lighting and Décor
10.7 Equipment required
10.8 Records maintained Licenses
10.9 Meal Experience

10.1 Types of Restaurants

Fast food

Fast food establishments serve rapid meals to its patrons. This primarily consists of burgers, hot dogs, steaks, French fries, fried onions, pizzas, sandwiches, and the liberal use of condiments like ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise.

Fast food is often distinguished by a low price and a large number of restaurants. The customer is primarily comprised of younger age groups, however due to factors relating to working cycles, there is also a rising percentage of adults.

Cafeteria/Staff canteen

These are little eateries inside or near a workplace that are frequented by staff. A cafeteria can be found in schools as well, where it is known as the dining hall. Unlike coffee shops, which offer hot drinks like coffee, espresso, tea, and cappuccino, they don't.

Customers take the food they desire and put it on a tray; there is no table service. They either pay a set fee or a specific amount for each item (like at a buffet).


A type of restaurant called a tavern or inn serves primarily wine along with cuisine and snacks. They are typically found along highways or in the suburbs.

Historically, a "inn" was a rural hotel that served meals, served wine, and offered lodging to riders. All other alternatives, including food, sleeping quarters, and prostitution, revolved around the wine, which was a necessary component.

Sandwich bar

A sandwich bar is a casual eatery that specialises in serving sandwiches, toasts, and beverages.

Some of them also provide additional cuisines, like meat and salads. Sandwich shops like Subway and Arby's are excellent examples.

Buffet at a restaurant

These describe a breakfast, lunch, or supper where customers self-serve from a variety of foods that are displayed on counters or table.

Restaurant buffet

These characterize a breakfast, launch or dinner where guests serve themselves from various types of food displayed on counters or tables.

The buffet is offe A sandwich bar is a casual eatery that specialises in serving sandwiches, toasts, and beverages.

Some of them also provide additional cuisines, like meat and salads. Sandwich shops like Subway and Arby's are excellent examples.

Buffet at a restaurant

In these, breakfast, lunch, or dinner are described as self-serve meals where patrons choose from a range of dishes that are displayed on counters or tables.

The buffet is offered widely, especially in hotels and restaurants. Usually, it charges a set amount for a menu that follows the "all you can eat" principle.

red everywhere, but notably at hotels and restaurants. Typically, it offers a menu with a "all you can eat" formula for a certain price.


A specific kind of Italian restaurant where you can eat mostly pizzas and calzones is referred to as a "pizzeria" (folded-over pizza). Other cuisines are frequently found, like fries and appetisers with meats and mozzarella.

Like in any restaurant, servers serve the guests at their tables while they make their selections from the menu. a temporary eatery

You miss it if you don't know. This is another appealing feature of the temporary eateries that appear from day to night, frequently without your knowledge.

In addition, the choice of strange settings adds to their appeal: private homes, courtyards, old building roofs, and other odd places where a temporary restaurant will be set up and then removed after a few days or months.


The highly informal Italian restaurant style is known as the trattoria. House wine is typically served, there are no printed menus, and service is informal. They offer bland regional food made with high-quality ingredients, but it isn't really appetizing.

Self-service restaurant

These are casual establishments where patrons serve themselves. These restaurants' proprietors prioritise speed over quality because they want to attract clients who are in a rush.

Self-service eateries can be found practically anywhere, including in hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, and areas near workplaces and educational institutions.

Snacks Bar

A snack bar is typically a low-cost food counter that is a part of another building and sells snacks, soft drinks, and light meals.

Additionally, you could encounter them on beaches where you can buy sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, salads, and other foods.


Cafés are tiny eateries that serve hot drinks like coffee and tea. Additionally, they offer snacks like sandwiches and cake.

They range from small local eateries to well-known chains like Starbucks. They are known as "Bar" and are highly well-liked in Italy, where they serve hundreds of espressos daily.


A bistro is a small restaurant that originated in Paris and offers affordable, straightforward fare in a relaxed atmosphere. It is a small, quite straightforward restaurant where the manager and chef are the same person.

Customers can eat French cuisine at the bistros while sipping wine or coffee.


The Osteria was originally an Italian restaurant that specialised in serving wine and small bites. Nowadays, they put a lot of emphasis on the cuisine, presenting regional specialties like pasta and grilled meats at communal tables. They are excellent locations to enjoy a delicious meal without spending a lot of money.


A restaurant that specialises in steaks and grilled meats is called a steakhouse.

Typically, restaurants of this type serve steaks made from beef, hog, chicken, and sheep. Typically, the meat is served with roasted potatoes or veggie side dishes.

10.2 Location or site

One of the few keys to profitability for your business is location selection. As important to a restaurant's success as superb food and attentive service might be parking and accessibility. A well-known saying in real estate is "You make your money when you purchase," and this is also true in the restaurant industry.

The location of a restaurant has an impact on a variety of business decisions, including the menu and dining room design. If you already have a restaurant location in mind, don't become too attached to it unless you are certain that it satisfies all the requirements for a successful restaurant.


A new restaurant location ought to ideally have its own parking area. Consider collaborating with a nearby hotel that offers parking if that isn't a possibility, for instance, in a big metropolis. There is a good reason why many well-known restaurants are located in hotels. Parking is available, but the advantages of foot traffic staying right upstairs are enormous.


The majority of well-known restaurant franchises are situated close to highway exits for a reason: it makes them accessible to clients. Due to their convenient locations, such those near the Beach or Lal Killa, some eateries can get away with serving or serving patrons with subpar food. In urbanised regions, there is a lot of foot traffic, thus restaurants merely need to draw people in from the street to their establishment. All across the world, successful restaurants may be easily located in well-known tourist locations or urban areas, with the exception of the truly exceptional.


This is related to accessibility, which is crucial for new restaurant locations that are open to the public. People must be aware that the restaurant exists, either physically or through their mobile devices. This explains why real estate costs are greater in urban regions and restaurant planning & operations established strips than in other places. They provide visibility that has the potential to attract a lot of walk-in business. To improve your presence across all media, think about running ads in search engines and social media. It will be simpler to draw in the clientele you desire if you register your restaurant in search engines with the food you serve and your price range.

Population Base

Do you have enough local clients to keep your firm afloat? There must be enough local residents and tourists to keep you interested. To ascertain the local population, you could do a site study. However, these can cost as much as $25k per. The majority of people who are thinking about opening their first restaurant lack the cash necessary to engage a qualified surveyor. Pie charts and inquiries to the town hall and neighborhood chamber of commerce can also be less expensive ways to learn the demographics of a certain area.

Simply take a stroll around the region where you intend to build if you prefer to pound the pavement. Intuition can place a big role in choosing your site.

When you get down to write your business plan for a new restaurant, which you will require before applying for a loan, take into account all these components. Additionally, you can choose the ideal place for your new restaurant by comprehending each of these components.

10.3 Financial Resources

There are four ways to fund a restaurant. A restaurant owner may choose to utilise one of these strategies or combine two or more methods in his financial plan depending on the money required and the feasibility of each method.

There are different sources from where restaurateur can raise fund such as:

1. Self-funding or Private Investments

2. Partnerships

3. Bank Loans

4. Venture Capital funding

1. Self-funding or Private Investments:

The best alternative is to finance your business on your own, as this avoids the need to borrow money from other sources. You can ask family and friends for money. This should only be the case, though, if the plan for the idea, concept, and format is crystal apparent from the beginning.

The restaurant industry carries a lot of dangers, so it is advised that anyone interested in working in the food industry should not spend their savings unless they have enough cash on hand to do so without jeopardizing or cutting back on their daily requirements and expenses. One option is to borrow money from friends and family and pay it back once the firm starts to produce a profit.

If you plan to enter the industry in next few years, save and invest smartly so that you can fund the dream restaurant by that time.

2. Partnerships:

Finding a partner who can invest money in the startup business is another excellent method of financing a venture. In the restaurant industry, it is usually a good idea to form a partnership because it not only makes the initial investment easier but also reduces business risks by splitting future profit and loss. If this is your first restaurant venture, attempt to find a partner who has some prior food industry expertise.

Partner selection can be a difficult process. It is crucial to collaborate with someone who has similar values and a similar goal. Every agreement and partnership arrangement should also be in writing and supported by a legal partnership deed that has been witnessed by a notary. In order to have a formal connection, the partners should ideally not be close relatives or best friends but rather acquaintances who are well acquainted. Individual preferences and discretion, however, are always available when selecting a mate.

3. Bank Loans:

When a business is just starting out, banks are an excellent source of funding. However, they need a lot of paperwork, have high interest rates, and are difficult to obtain because the bank will want collateral for the loan. However, obtaining bank loans may be simple if a sound company strategy and enough insurance are there. On the principal amount of your investment, banks typically charge 11–13% interest.

4. Venture capital funding: As more startups are emerging around the nation, more venture capital firms are keeping an eye out for companies with growth potential. To scale an idea and spread success to further cities, one should only go for venture capitalist financing.

The startup wave that is sweeping the nation has caused some significant shifts in the investment climate for the restaurant industry. The restaurant sector is viewed by venture capitalists as a new "Investment Interest." Investors are starting to recognise the enormous potential of the sector as more people purchase food online and dine out. Maybe this explains why venture capitalists are putting more money into restaurant franchises.

10.4 Design Consideration

The management, atmosphere, personnel, menu, setting, and location are just a few of the numerous elements that go into making a restaurant successful. The design of the restaurant is one of the most important elements, though. A floor plan that complies with the design guidelines and specifications for restaurants is helpful to the success of a restaurant owner's business plan. Creating a restaurant design and floor plan requires understanding every anthropometrical viability, or the space required for human seating and mobility, the area you have, and making the most of the space while taking your restaurant's needs into consideration. The ideal floor plan for a restaurant should reflect that 60% of the space must be dedicated to the dining area and the remaining 40% to the kitchen. For this, the Restaurant Design and the Restaurant Interior Design need to be in total sync with each other.

The primary goal of a restaurant's floor design is to efficiently arrange the available space for the restaurant's furniture needs. The chair and the table are the basic furnishings in any restaurant. Table size and required overall chair space can and should vary significantly depending on the type of restaurant, cuisine, service, and level of intimacy. A smaller table top and chair are frequently offered in restaurants that promote quick customer turnover. A restaurant's ideal floor plan is created using a variety of design considerations in addition to anthropometric and ergonomic requirements.

These are namely –

Circulation and egress
This is the movement of the people, how the staff and the customers can move around and enter and exit the restaurant.

Methods of service
Self or monitored:

Whether the meal would be served by a staff member or if it was a self-service restaurant will have a significant impact on the restaurant's design.

The space's overall dimensions

The overall proportion and space provided have a significant impact on the restaurant design. The architect would then write the restaurant's design and provide a floor plan based on this.

The design of a restaurant must take into account literally hundreds or thousands of factors. Successful restaurant concepts today go beyond just providing "excellent food, good service, and good atmosphere."

The following list is by no means all-inclusive or even prioritized in any specific order:

1. Brand Personality: A brand's personality needs to be established and programmed. Before even considering the first restaurant design sketch, this programming should be done. Like humans, brands have personalities. A person may become well known for a certain way of acting or behaving. A brand should do the same.

2. Brand Promises - In order for a brand to be authentic, it must first identify and distinguish itself through a unique set of promises. When the promises are kept and with honesty, a brand is strong. Everyone would like to believe that they are highly moral. Integrity is defined as doing what one says they will do and doing it when they say they will.

3. Brand Positioning – According to a proverb, "You don't just want to be the best of the best; you want to be the only one who does what you do." The concept of "bitterness" (such as the better burger or improved restaurant design) is arbitrary. But when you're the "only," you can control a market as a sole-source provider..

4. Silverware – When eating in a restaurant, customers frequently don't give our silverware much thought, yet it can leave a lasting impact on them even before they take their first bite. Light, fragile, and inexpensive cutlery will create the impression that the food is also of the same quality. Use big, heavy knives in restaurants like upscale steakhouses as a result. These items, while serving as dinnerware, together make up the restaurant as a whole and are taken into account while developing the entire restaurant concept.

5. Uniforms – Each worker represents the company as an ambassador. Since the advent of the fine dining "monkey suit," restaurant uniforms have advanced significantly. Restaurant uniforms are now being designed by famous fashion designers as well. Many restaurant franchises employ thousands of people, each of whom serves as a brand ambassador. The uniform should be regarded through the same prism as your restaurant design process because it is an extension of the brand.

6. Ventilation – Smoking is prohibited in public areas in a number of nations. There is more to ventilation than just removing unpleasant odours (see "aroma design" below for additional information). Consider a restaurant constructed in Delhi, for instance. The seasonal temperature variations there require a completely different strategy. It can be chilly in large empty places. As ventilation is a crucial factor to take into account when designing a restaurant, this is about much more than just beautiful looks and tasteful design choices.

7. Bathrooms & Brand Immersion – The assumption made by visitors is that a messy kitchen must necessarily follow a messy bathroom. What must the kitchen look like because it is out of sight if they permit their bathrooms, which are visible to clients, to get this bad? It is the idea that a restaurant can further distinguish itself from competitors by making an impression in the restroom rather than merely keeping it clean.

8. Door Knobs– Although doorknobs lack inherent intelligence, they can communicate about the decor fairly intelligently. The majority of the time, we don't notice a doorknob unless it is misplaced. In fact, doorknobs speak for the restaurant before the host or greeting staff. The doorknob's weight, texture, materials, design, obviousness or underratedness, and other features all unintentionally or purposefully convey the brand.

9. Restaurant Menu Design – Although doorknobs lack inherent intelligence, they can communicate about the decor fairly intelligently. The majority of the time, we don't notice a doorknob unless it is misplaced. In fact, doorknobs speak for the restaurant before the host or greeting staff. The doorknob's weight, texture, materials, design, obviousness or underratedness, and other features all unintentionally or purposefully convey the brand.

10. Storage Needs – Will a distributor permit bulk purchases and cost-free storage in their warehouse? Does one intend to get numerous little deliveries throughout the week and have a high inventory turnover rate, or does one intend to buy in bulk to save money and have items on hand? These are an example of operational and functional design considerations, which are not typically covered in the curriculum for interior design. Restaurant designers without extensive experience in the restaurant industry frequently fall short where form meets function.

11. Refrigeration Needs – The refrigeration requirements of an ice cream shop and a restaurant with 20 beers on tap will be very different. The requirement for different types of refrigerators can be determined by the amount of perishable food on the menu.

12. Lighting Design – A visitor need just picture a grid of business cubicles with flickering fluorescent lights to realise that this is not where they want to be. In many restaurants, you'll find a bug lamp that people stare at in disbelief as bugs keep flying in to receive a lethal electric shock, but humans are doing the same thing in their own world. Lighting can captivate people's moods and their wallets for reasons that the average person can't readily understand. The romance of candles. We stop at red lights (and hungry, incidentally). We can feel more at ease in dim illumination. Workers require task lighting. Design for lighting is a very specialised field. A restaurant without a well-thought-out lighting scheme is similar to Disney without fireworks.

Acoustical Design – All of the senses are stimulated in a restaurant. Certainly, proposals for designing restaurants take into account sight, smell, taste, and touch. Would a bar that feels full and buzzing be better for your business or is it desirable to have peace and quiet? Similarly, background noise can have an effect; for instance, many nightclubs have areas where it's simple to converse to someone you met on the dance floor without being able to hear yourself think.

14. Aroma Design – A situation when there are too many odours floating around is called aroma pollution. The aroma that comes from the kitchen should be inviting and pleasant. However, this is not an accident. Without taking adequate precautions, customers can overwhelm the restaurant with smoke or foul odours. But there are additional factors to take into account besides the food's fragrance. There is nothing worse than smelling musty bathroom odours or unclean mop water in the foyer. Since taste is dependent on fragrance, the design of your restaurant should take this into consideration and shouldn't be left to chance.

10.5 Furniture

If chosen appropriately, the restaurant furniture is available in a wide range and can fit in any setting and décor. Furniture selection requires careful consideration because it is an expensive choice. Nearly half of the total initial investment is made up of the cost of the furniture.

The guests' "comfort" is the next crucial criterion to be taken into account. Furniture with thick cushions sinks you in and is uncomfortable for dining. Hard surfaces should not be used for extended sitting or leisurely meals.

There shouldn't be too much furniture in a room. The designer should take into account the necessary table dimensions, theme appropriateness, and furniture material considerations.

Wood is the most usually used material for the dining room furniture. Various types of woods are used to suit the décor and theme. Wood is most favored because it is strong, rigid, stylish, and able to resist wear and tear. Metals such as aluminum, steel, and brass and other option are also taken in consideration as per need of design.

10.6 Lighting and Décor

The environment generated during a meal is just as important as the food and drinks that are given. Restaurant ambiance and interior design have a big impact on bringing in and maintaining customers.

The major elements of interiors are:
(a) Lighting,
(b) Décor,
(c) Colour, and
(d) Furniture

(a) Lighting

Diverse lighting and light sources are something that contemporary designers are expressing interest in employing. Different lights can be contrasted to produce a broad variety of effects. The two primary categories of lighting in restaurants and bars are as follows:

i) Functional lighting: On tables, buffet counters, display items, and on photographs and paintings, functional lighting is more prevalent. The back area and kitchen require this kind of lighting to function. Additionally, it is crucial for guests to be able to read menus and see how food and beverages are presented on tables. Up to 75% of the overall restaurant lighting comes from this type of lighting.

ii) Decorative lighting: This type of lighting is utilised to set the mood and embellish a space. It is a decorative element. Serial lamps, wall bracket lamps, image focus lamps, etc. were incorporated. One should employ several types of lighting in the right combinations to produce the right ambiance and luminosity. In restaurants and bars, there are primarily two types of lighting. They are fluorescent and incandescent lights, respectively.

iii) Incandescent lighting is inviting and warm. However, it takes more energy to operate these lights. Additionally, the natural colour of food items may change due to the bulbs' yellow hue. The decreased running costs of fluorescent lighting are well recognised. White light does not shade natural colours. However, it is frequently criticised for its lifeless, drab, and faint illumination. Therefore, to create a cosy, enchanting, and brilliant ambiance, it is advised to combine both lighting in a balanced manner. Many experts advise using 30% incandescent light and 70% fluorescent light for the entire lighting system. This creates an atmosphere conducive to enjoying the meal and gives the food an appealing, natural appearance.

iv) Brighter or strong lighting Ambience and décor are created using this type of lighting. It is an ornamental component. This included lighting such as picture focus, wall bracket, and serial lamps.

One should employ several types of lighting in the proper combinations to create the right atmosphere with the right illumination. In places that serve food and beverages, there are primarily two types of illumination. They are incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lights.

Avoid shining spotlights on dining areas. Instead of seeing visitors, there need to be light all around them.

People are drawn together by candles between them. Soft lighting should be used to offset direct illumination

Dimmer systems are widely used worldwide to maintain the desired lighting effect and mood. Nowadays, the majority of specialty stores choose to use fully or partially automatic dimming systems. Different lighting configurations are pre-programmed into these automatic dimming systems. The combination can be adjusted from a bright and happy environment for lunch to a dim and romantic mood for dinner by simply selecting any one lighting setting on the dimmer system.

(b) Décor

Decor refers to how a space is decorated. Fixtures, fittings, picture frames, paintings, and other artefacts make up the majority of it. We can alter a restaurant's ambiance by modifying the décor. Managers shouldn't overlook operations while designing the ideal décor. The operations shouldn't be disturbed by the decor. To survive use and abuse, decorative goods should be of professional quality. They must be hygienic and simple to clean. Safety is a crucial factor to take into account.

The below given factors should be considered while designing the décor of an outlet.

· The outlet's slippery, slick floor has a highly upscale appearance. But it causes numerous mishaps.

· Tables and chairs with exposed, jagged or sharp edges can cut workers.

· Visitors could get wounded by table and chair splinters and nails. Accidents may occur if glass doors are not indicated.

· To prevent falls, steps must have illuminated and railing.

· Low ceilings or hanging ornaments need to be noted.

· Emergency situations shouldn't be hindered by decorations.

The outlet's smooth, slick floor seems incredibly opulent and gleaming. But a lot of accidents result from it. People using machinery may be damaged by exposed, jagged, or sharp edges of tables and seats.

Guests could get wounded by the splinters and nails on chairs and tables. Accidents can occur because of unmarked glass doors. To prevent tripping, steps must be lit, railing, and guarded.

It is necessary to indicate any hanging ornaments or low ceilings. Nothing attractive should be placed in the way of an emergency.

(c) Colour

It is apparent that the atmosphere is affected by the colours used in dining spaces. When choosing colours, designers adhere to certain principles. Given the intimate relationship between food and colour, much attention must be made while picking the appropriate colour. The colour scheme chosen must be representative of the restaurant's personality.

In food and beverage enterprises, white, cream, beige, blue, and yellow are often utilised colours. To balance and achieve the desired appearance, multiple colours can be combined. The mood of the visitors is also influenced by colour. Cool hues like light green, blue, and violet are said to promote a laid-back dining atmosphere. Yellow, red, and orange, on the other hand, will boost activity and encourage quick action turnover.

The size of the room can be affected by colours as well. Painting a tiny space with a bright colour scheme might make it appear larger. In a similar vein, a huge space can be made to feel more intimate by painting it a dark colour.

(d) Furnishings

Any F&B Services outlet must have furniture. It must be durable, simple to use, and easy to clean. The furniture is crucial in bringing the look and ambiance of the shop to life. The fixtures, fittings, and furniture constitute fixed goods.

Indoor Furniture

It mainly consists of tables, chairs, push-down chairs, racks, and lockers.

Outdoor Furniture

The size of the room is also influenced by colours. By painting it in some bright colours, a tiny space might be made to appear larger. Similar to how a small space may be made to feel larger by painting it a dark colour,

(d) Home decor

Any F&B Services outlet needs furniture to function properly. It must be sturdy, simple to use, and hygienic. The furniture is crucial to completing the style and establishing the atmosphere of the shop. The furnishings, fittings, and fixtures constitute immovable goods.

10.7 Hardware needed

Heavy-duty and light-duty equipment can be utilised in food and beverage establishments, respectively. The heavy-duty equipment is impossible to move and shift, as the name implies. This category typically includes bain-maries, work tables, food cabinets, refrigerators, deep freezers, and trolleys. As an alternative, light duty equipment is more compact and portable. This category includes trays, flatware, glassware, cutlery, and crockery.

Heavy-duty machinery These are big and awkward to move around. Therefore, great care must be made when making plans to buy and finding them. It is challenging to move heavy equipment once it is found or fastened. Therefore, it is crucial to first identify the suitable sites. As

Light -duty Equipment: Glassware, crockery, linen, and cutlery make up the majority of items in this category. Due of their diminutive size, there is a high potential for abuse and theft. Therefore, when choosing and settling on stock levels, great care must be given.

Factors to be considered while purchasing Equipment

· It ought to fit in the space that is available.

· The tools should speed up and simplify tedious tasks. In the guest spaces, it need to appear appealing and tidy.

· The purchase ought to lower labour costs.

· The equipment should be energy-efficient above all else.

· It should be long-lasting for higher value; the machinery should be simple to use and maintain. The production and service standards ought to rise as a result. It must have several functions.


It must be able to fit in the allocated space.

The tools ought to accelerate and simplify tedious tasks. In visitor areas, it should appear appealing and tidy.

The acquisition ought to bring down labour costs.

The equipment should, above all else, be energy-efficient.

The equipment should be simple to use and maintain, and it should have a lengthy lifespan for higher value. The quality of the product and the level of service should rise. It must have a variety of purposes.

According to reports, the dishwashing area accounts for between 70 and 80 percent of damage. Therefore, tableware of commercial quality that is resistant to cracking, chipping, and scratching is recommended. In fast-food restaurants, dinnerware is frequently hefty or thick.


The glassware needs to match the outlet's theme. Price must fall within the allocated budget's range. Glassware that is in open or general stock costs less than custom-made stock. Glasses' rolled rims and edges prevent chipping and breakage. Although they have a nice appearance, stemmed glasses are more prone to breaking. Before placing an order, cleaning and storage practices need to be considered. Lead time and breakage ratio are crucial factors to take into account.

Hotels typically keep three par stock levels for each type of glassware, with a few outliers like highly used wine glasses and water goblets needing one additional par.

Steel or silverware? Real silverware is very costly and challenging to keep. Some of the more opulent hotels employ silver-plated flatware and cutlery. The terms "hotel plated" and "electroplated nickel silver (EPNS)" are also used to describe this kind of silverware. This style of cutlery provides the inside of the restaurant an opulent and royal appearance. But EPNs goods require frequent plating. Having an internal "plating plant" and "burnishing machine" boosts equipment durability while lowering maintenance costs for the company.

There are two types of linen used in the food and beverage industry.

1. tablecloth
2. attire

Table linen consists of napkins, cloths, and tablecloth. Three times is the bare minimum par stock for the tablecloth. However, it changes according to the hectic operations and cover turnover. High turnover stores typically need to keep four stock levels. The staff's appearance and uniform cleanliness provide insight into the establishment's level of hygiene. There should be three pairs of uniforms available. With this strategy, a worker can don one, keep another for the following shift, and wash the third.

Different tableware Quality and purchase Specifications

In many hotels, decisions on the caliber and quantity of equipment are made by an executive committee made up of the general manager and the leaders of the departments. The buying department must conduct extensive research on the goods and suppliers once a selection has been made. This is accomplished by looking through several brand brochures, speaking with salespeople, and looking at samples. The purchase department then does a comparison for cheaper prices after requesting price quotes. Before placing the order, some negotiating is needed. The same information is entered into purchase record books after an order has been placed.

When the products are received for verification, the information is helpful.

Standard specifications are made based on following points:

§ Budget

§ Type of operation

§ Theme Quantity required Compatibility

§ Space for Storage

10.8 Records & Licenses maintained

Licenses required starting a Restaurant in India:

1. FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority License

2. Liquor License

3. Health/Trade License

4. Eating House License

5. GST Registration

6. Fire Department

7. Lift Clearance

8. Music License

9. Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC)

10. Signage License

1. FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority License

One of the most crucial permits needed to start a restaurant is the FSSAI license, commonly known as the Food License, which is obtained from the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India). This license is more than just a license; rather, it also acts as the authority's endorsement and assures the patrons that the food at that particular restaurant complies with Indian food safety regulations. Manufacturers, retailers, and restaurants are required to have this license, which is a special 14-digit registration number that must be printed on food packaging. This reassures your customers that they are dining in a location that complies with all safety regulations. Learn other uses for the FSSAI License.

Documents Required for the FSSAI License

§ Address and Id Proof

§ Proof Valid Email Id

§ Phone Number

§ Affidavit -Declaration Of Food Safety

§ Management Plan Kitchen Layout plan

§ Food Category List

§ Report - Water Testing from ISI approved Facility

§ No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the owner or the partner Medical Certificates of Employees

Procedure: Obtaining the FSSAI License for Your Restaurant
Once you have these documents, you may apply for a licence, which as of right now costs roughly Rs. 2000 each year for a new licence. The application process can be completed by logging in to the FSSAI website and creating a login to complete the registration. After logging in, complete the online application with all the necessary documentation. To ensure that the application is taken into consideration, submit the printed version of the completed online application form to the Regional/State Authority along with all necessary supporting documentation within 15 days after the date of the online submission.

2. Liquor License

The establishment must obtain a liquor licence if it serves alcohol. The forms are available on the websites of the relevant State Governments, and this can be received from the Local Excise Commissioner. Having this licence is extremely important because doing so without it might result in a severe fine and the forced permanent closure of the business.

Documents Required for the Liquor License

· A document attesting to the restaurant's or hotel's successful completion.

· Whether the hotel or the restaurant is the rightful owner of the plot.

· Documentary evidence showing the restaurant's or hotel's legal standing, i.e., whether it is a corporation, partnership firm, or any other kind of organisation.

· The DCP's Certificate of Registration for the Eating House License.

· A trade license issued by the local authority, such as the NDMC or MCD.

· Documentation demonstrating the applicant's status as an income tax assessor and a sales tax assessor.

· the state Fire Service's NOC.

· A detailed layout plan for the business, as well as a site plan for the liquor stores and license outlets.

Procedure: Obtaining the Liquor License for Your Restaurant & Bar

A document attesting to the hotel or restaurant's construction's success. Whether the hotel or the restaurant has a valid title to the plot. Written documentation confirming the restaurant's or hotel's position as a business, partnership firm, or other sort of arrangement.

A certificate of registration for an eating establishment license from the DCP. A trade license issued by the local authority, such as the MCD, NDMC, or other relevant bodies. Documentation demonstrating that the applicant is a sales tax assessor and an income tax assessor.

NOC issued by the state Fire Service. A detailed layout plan for the business, as well as a site plan for the establishments that sell liquor and have licenses.

3. Health/Trade License

Health Trade License is covered in Schedule 11 of the Municipal Corporation Act of 1957. It was created out of the conviction that the public's health should be given top priority. Local civil authorities, such as the State's Municipal Corporation or the Health Department, produce this license.

List of documents required to get the Health/Trader License for your restaurant:

· A Rs.100 indemnity bond.

· Sanction and Completion (Includes Ownership proof, Rent Agreement, or Landlord's NOC)

· Three copies of the site plan and layout

· Structural Stability Certificate signed by a Structural Engineer

· Power and Water Paid Bill

· Plan of the Premises

· Police Clearance Letter for swimming pools, movie theatres, and hotels

· Water Testing Reports

· Sewer Connection Proof

· Restaurant Health/Trade License

· Medical Fitness Certificates for Workers

· Medical Certificates of Employees as Proof of Property Tax

4. Eating House License

The licensing police commissioner of the city in which one wishes to operate the outlet issues the eating establishment license. As of today, it will roughly cost Rs. 300 to give this license for a period of three years.

Procedure: Obtaining the Eating House License.

Prior to applying, the applicant must register with the relevant website. After successfully registering, a User ID and Password for form submission will be provided. Candidates can fill out the form, upload any required papers, and schedule an appointment using the user ID. All documents must be self-attested in order to confirm their validity.

Documents Required for the Eating House License

List of the documents are available with concern authority and portal.

· A site plan indicating the dimensions of the eating house

· A photocopy of a current NDMC/MCD/DCB/Airport Authority of India trading license and a free receipt are required as proof of the eating establishment's lawful occupancy. In the case of a tenancy, a landlord's NOC is also required.

· License under the Shops and Establishments Act.

· Images of the location that demonstrate how it is used as a restaurant

· If the dining establishment has a seating capacity of 50 or more, an affidavit notarized by a notary public is required. undertaken for entertainment purposes

· A commitment about the installation of CCTV cameras with a 30-day recording capability. The applicant's proof of residence.

· Registration at a fine dining establishment or a food truck. (Registration is necessary within 30 days of the start of company.)

Documents Required for the Shop and Establishment Act License

§ Pan Card

§ Identity Proof

§ Proprietor Address proof company or partner the Details of the employees

Procedure: Obtaining the Shop and Establishment Act License.

Once all documents have been organised as described above, present them to the local chief inspector of the shop or other inspectors along with an application form that includes the name of the shop, the postal address of the establishment, and the proof of ownership, such as the Shop Lease Papers or Rent Agreement.

The establishment is registered in the Register of Establishments when all the paperwork has been verified by government personnel, and a registration certificate is issued. This certificate needs to be clearly displayed in the restaurant and is always required to be renewed before it expires.

This license would be obtained in about 7 to 10 working days (applicable as per norms).

Any changes must be communicated to the Inspector within 15 days.

5. GST Registration

Registering in GST (General Sales Tax) is compulsory and restaurants must do that, it will ensure that restaurant runs flawlessly.

Documents Required for the GST Registration of Your Restaurant

Below is the list of documents required to get the GST registration needed for your restaurant.

For the proof of Ownership/Tenancy rights of the business premises:

· A copy of the proprietor's or partnership firm's Pan card.

· A copy of the partnership agreement A copy of the proprietor's or all partners' Aadhar cards

· A letter of allocation and possession from an authority or transfer memorandum. Copies of recorded lease agreements. Or, for the property owner's rent agreement and electricity bill:

· A passport-sized photo of the owner or each partner.

· Mail ID and Mobile No. for all partners' OTP and verification links (as per process)

· Authorization letter in the client's favour

· Authorized partners' digital signatures

· Lists of the items to be manufactured and exchanged as well as the most recent bank statement with the branch of the bank's name, address, and IFSC code are all required.

6. Fire Department

The restaurant's covert goal must be to safeguard patrons from any dangers, including noxious odours from food or fires. Additionally necessary for operating a restaurant is a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the fire department.

Getting a no-objection certificate from the fire department is the procedure.

Before building development can begin, a restaurant must apply for a NOC from the State Fire Department. You can find applications online at the state government's website. Invite the Chief Fire Officer for an inspection after installing all the safety equipment in order to obtain the NOC.

1. Lift Clearance

Obtaining approval for a lift requires approval from both the city's labour commissioner and an inspector from the electricity department. This licence is issued by the Electrical Inspector at the Labor Commissioner's office after being verified for installation of life, layout, safety equipment, and other factors. Applications can be used to request lift clearance on a state-by-state basis.

8. Music License

The owner of a restaurant must obtain a restaurant music licence in order to play music there. According to the Copyright Act of 1957, a music licence from Phonographic is required in order to play pre-recorded music in any public, commercial, or non-commercial organisation. If a restaurant runs without the required licence while playing music, there will be consequences.

9. Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC)

The restaurant is morally and legally obligated to ensure that its activities do not adversely affect Mother Nature in addition to being accountable for the health of its patrons. The Certificate of Environmental Clearance is therefore expected to be applied for by eateries as well.

Procedure: Obtaining the Certificate of Environmental Clearance for Your Restaurant?

In order to receive the certificate, the project must also be screened, scoped, and evaluated to look at its environmental impact. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) or the Environment Management Plan (EMP), details of the public hearing, and the NOC given by state regulators are the documents that must be submitted with the application in order to acquire CEC.

10. Signage License

Owners must effectively advertise their goods to ensure that their company generates the highest profit. However, if someone wishes to advertise their business through verbal advertising, logos, images, posters, or other symbols, they must first obtain a legal permit known as a signs license. Local civil bodies, such as municipal corporations, can issue this license.

10.9 Meal Experience

The menu is often a restaurant's or food vendor's most distinctive selling factor. A carefully thought-out menu can turn a restaurant's balance sheet from one of loss to one of profit. A restaurant or bar first offers its cuisine, then services. Because of this, a menu is essential to the success of the establishment. Before making a decision on the menu, there must be a lot of conversation. It is important to take into account both past and potential guest recommendations. When creating a menu for an establishment, a few things must be taken into account.

Points to be observed to make great meal experience for the customers are:

· Researching the market's acceptable price ranges aids in pricing decisions.

· The menu items should match the intended meal price ranges. The restaurant's theme should be reflected in the menu.

· Menu planning benefits from knowing the market segment that needs to be targeted. This clarifies the type of clientele that will be catered.

· The menu collections are also influenced by communal and religious elements.

· Researching the competition is essential for success. It provides an opportunity to stand out from the competition.

· One should think about the kind of meal that will be served. A la carte, table d'hote, or buffet meal options are all possible. The menu's nutritional balance is valued. The amount of time available to serve must be considered if it is a table d'hote menu. The concept and style of the menu should match.

· Mixing expensive and inexpensive foods increases profit margins. Similar to this, the proper ratio of popular and uncommon items must also be used to create the ideal menu.

· To boost the number of customers, the menu should feature some regional specialties.

· The font and language used should be simple to read.

For Customers meal experience fulfillment, one need to understand each and every minute to large customer need and to implement those in restaurant.

Menu Content

Everybody should be able to grasp the menu if it is put together correctly. It should be written in a legible font and in basic English. The key information that each menu should have is the "name of the food," "its description in simple language," and "price per portion." The font size must be chosen with typical human eye sight in mind.

Additionally, some menus list the serving time. The menu needs to inform, advertise, and promote. It ought to emphasize the restaurant's personality.

To sound more enticing and appealing to the guest, an English breakfast can be described as "two farm fresh eggs of your choice served with grilled sausages, crispy bacon, fluffy mashed potatoes, and grilled tomato."

It is always advisable to group the similar items together for easy access. The common way of grouping menu items is listing under course wise heading.

For example-


Main dishes







It is said that “the appetite lies in the eyes and not in the stomach”. The dishes in a menu must have gastronomical balance. The menu balance is also important for its popularization.

Dishes in a menu should be balanced based on the following aspects:

· Colour

· Flavour

· Texture

· Cooking Method

· Nutritional balance

· Menu display

Depending on the operations in the dining room, the menu is presented in a variety of ways. The goal is to clearly communicate the menu's message and describe the offerings.

The following are a few examples:

A handwritten menu on a board or on the glass of a window is more appropriate for a relaxed setting and is inexpensive and simple to alter. Typically used to display the food of the day.

For ease of reading, a place mat menu is printed on cover mats or placemats. It is typically utilised in crowded restaurants to save menu presentation time. Over the service counter, an overhead menu is visible and backlit. The visitor can readily read this to place his or her order. utilized primarily in self-service restaurants.

It is simple to print a desktop menu on the property itself. A menu can now be printed as needed in many colours and designs thanks to technological advancement.

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